05 October, 2022



Okay, I know that my typical content is centered around Sci-Fi and fun thought experiments, but this morning I had a revelation of sorts, actually I discussed this with brother a few times before. Every now and then I ask him about how's his view on alien life and we end up chatting for about an hour. But today we connected some dots I don't think anyone has done before.

Before anything, allow me to clarify what's my position regarding Ufology as a science: I don't think most of the reasearch should be taken seriously, for real. There is no scientific approach and the theories are often too out of this world with no regard for astrophysics and astronomy, as I have said across various posts. It is very easy to be an adept of the UFO research movement when you can simply say they have advanced tech that's research-proof about anything you try to explain, it fails the falsifiability test and becomes pseudo-science, which leads me to think most of it doesn't deserve attention and funding. Add that to UFO groups in Brazil refusing to speak to me when asked a few questions like those I present in this blog.
Falsifiability, is the capacity for some proposition, statement, theory or hypothesis to be proven wrong.
If it is not clear by now, I really think most of UFO research should not be taken seriously because there is apparently, lack of any physical thrustworthy evidence of any claims, but a lack of methods to investigate so. Because of that, anything could be explained with enough skepticism with natural phenomena and with a simple "I don't really know". And I say 'apparently' because a few years ago the US government released some official footage of UFO chases in 2020, or as they like to put it up 'unexplained aerial phenomena', and this kind of thing suddenly turns out too dangerously real. Not to speak of rumors to recent Blue Book project re-opening.

I used to make fun of these movements, and I think I still will until proven otherwise with strong evidence. "Why would aliens come down from light-years away to kidnap cows and probe a redneck's anus?". Yeah, but even in my sketch of a theory, that ends up making a vital part of it, in such a way to not make it as ridiculous as it initially sounds. So here we go.


Like any other UFO theory, this was made into a logical narrative the takes the premise of alien visitors being real, but from my line of thought, in a more realistic and bland view of things.

This theory also proposes a possible solution to the Fermi Paradox in a way, as in that interstellar travel must be very hard, even with advanced technology, and that no civilizations post Kardashev 1-2 inhabit our local space of the Milky Way, as far as we can tell.

The great silence could be explained with technological civilizations being relatively recent, with some barely older or younger than us by a few thousand years, but not incredibly old, else their technosignatures would be screaming in the sky. In this case such technosignatures are more faint than we initially expect them to be, as in that you don't really need a dyson sphere or to turn your planet into an ecumenopolis to really show you're advanced. It could also be that superluminal travel is possible at very high costs, but no superluminal communication. Since the we are the ones being visited, it is logical to assume we are relatively young compared to our visitor civilization, and yes singular, there is likely only one race trying to contact us in this scenario.


The Roswell Incident (1947) doens't require much presentation, but I wanna drag your attention to its less known counterpart, the Varginha Incident (1996). Much like the american incident, there was heavy military involvement, and attempts to keep curious and civilians away from the case, and apart from the movie stereotype of aliens arriving to speak to the president of the US, it happened in a third world country with no spectacle, and several civilizan witnesses with no previous history of such events in the very interior of Brazil, too serious to be ignored.   

I'm pretty inclined to believe that the image of the typical Grey alien is cultural inheritance from illustrations of HG WELLS 'Man from the Year Million', but suspending some skepticism off of it, that is, taking the sightings to be true events, one has to consider if it makes any sense in real life...

Now, how come the part where you ask me, "but Valent, the two aliens are so different, how come you say they belong to the same race? There must be more than one visitor race". Come on, this is no star trek where you can get out of your ship and simply kiss your alien girlfriend, in the real world, every other environment but your native one will be hostile for your organism, I don't believe I am the first one to say this, but, you guys really think aliens be roaming the galaxy naked? They must be using some kind of space suit of some sort which allows them to survive in our atmosphere, not because it is toxic, but because of possible pathogens, at least in most cases. People like to interpret the alien drawings as being fully organic naked weirdos putting probes up your ass, completely exposed to contamination hazards.

So yea, let's consider we don't truly know what these aliens ACTUALLY look like, because they have spacesuits on, pretty much like how the Engineers in the Alien universe seem to have a trunk, but is only a mask and they actually look like some albino guy.

The sketches of aliens that depict these guys as fully organic and naked cannot be trusted, since the features or lack of any special features can indicate a type of suit, say like the "horns" in the Varginha alien, they could be tubes or flashlights atop of a helmet of some sort. Given how Greys and the Varginha alien are similar in size and time period, I will cut this down with Ockhan's razor and reduce our visitors to one single group of aliens. After all, what are the chances we've been visited multiple times by multiple races and still live in the Great Silence?

Their spacecraft, at least the ones we've seen so far, aren't indestructible, as we have supposedly taken down a few of them over the years. The overall shape of their vehicles is the bus or tic-tac shaped object, again, what leads me to think it may be the same kind of vehicle or similar every time.
And instead of only calling them aliens from this point foward, and for the sake of cool, I will refer to these as the V-race (get it? several references at once).

The idea is that despite our brutality and lack of understanding, they do comprehend to an extent what we are going through, and have been observing us for a few centuries, and trying eventual contact since the mid 20th century, as we have started to become more technological and exploring space. Yes you heard it right, observing us for centuries.


You guys remember the black object that interacted with the Sun back in 2012? Here's official footage in case you doubt it is real. And here it appears again in 2018, and here is a report of it appearing again for 8 days during last month. How long has this object been around? How long have we been really watching the Sun to look for it? I know many artifacts and errors can occur in instruments and this could be diagnosed as such, maybe, somehow, but what if it doesn't? Should we expect the huge 10 Earth-radius object to appear again in the following years? In my opinion, we won't see it again after 2030-2040.

I think this black orb is what astronomers of previous centuries called planet 'Vulcan'. Back in 1611 there were observations of objects in front of the sun, later dismissed as solar spots. Which is quite probable, since they cycle every 11 years, and the early 1600s were marked by a peak of sunspot activity, these can get so large as to equal the size of Jupiter.

The theory of planet Vulcan really took off in the 1800s, when again, two objects were seen crossing the sun's disk through telescope, although the objects seen between 1818 and 1837 were much smaller, if you assume a distance of 100 million km from Earth (close to the Sun), the size of the larger object is around 1500 km wide, half the size of our Moon.

Le Verrier failed every attempt to explain Mercury's orbital precession through the existence of Vulcan, even though he could do the same with Neptune using Newtonian gravity. Nowadays it is explained through Einstein's Relativity on how the sun warps the space in order to cause Mercury to behave like that, and the math checks out so far.

These sightings also occurred before great sunspot events later that year or on the following years, this includes the 2012, 2018, and 2022 sightings, with possible oncoming sightings in 2024-2026 and 2030-2032.

Couldn't it be just sunspots? OF COURSE, but what's the fun in that? Plus, while the observed objects in 1600s and 1800s were passing in front of the sun, the giant orb appears next to the sun, and it would be too obvious if it somehow passed in front of the sun. If it is maneuverable, then it is forcing itself to not pass in front of the sun in respect to Earth. And here we go, failing the falsifiability test, like other theories of the kind.

The V-race has been observing us for at least some 400 years, and attempting peaceful contact since the 1900s, they are not vastly superior than humanity, it may even be their first ever attempt at first contact, taking for the catastrophic incidents of Roswell and Varginha, or at least, they lack the authorization or equipment to do so at the current time. But their home world might be way more advanced than they are because of isolation.

I cannot help but laugh and be slightly worried by what train of thought this is.

If the massive object we've seen recently is real, consider it being like a submarine, weighing less than 1 ton per cubic meter, and its mass can be as low as that of Saturn (~100 Earth-masses), which is a problem yet to solve with this theory. One possible explanation to what it is doing with the sun, is star lifting. It could explain the origin of the materials and energy used by their equipment, needing to approach the Sun every ~200 years for refueling. They haven't left our system since, or if they have so, they somehow can do it without leaving any radiation signatures or from the other side of the Sun, hiding themselves from us.

But I'm inclined to the version they are stranded and receiving orders slowly because of how badly they have been received on Earth, they may be lacking personel, morale, or and may be simply clueless on how to establish proper dialogue with us hairless apes. And on the possibility of them being stranded, it would explain why they land in rural and wild areas, not only to research the local fauna and flora, but to identify what's realistically edible on Earth that they could sustain on, this vary from humans, wildlife, and cattle, yes, pretty much abducting cows for meat, and grain for flour, with enough samples they could start their own space farming - the Earth is so vast they could be around antarctic ice collecting water as well to sustain their crew stationed near the sun or opposite to Earth on the other side.

That's what I have for now...

- M.O. Valent, 05/10/2022

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